High Vibrations
I am excited to support some of the amazing resources that enhance my vibrational frequency and overall well-being within our universal community of ONENESS"
Young Living | www.youngliving.com
Young Living is a company who grow, extract, distill, then produce extremely effective and high quality essential oils to promote optimal health and well-being. Essential oils are more than nice scents; these powerful plant extracts are the result of cutting-edge research and traditional wisdom. Young Living's natural solutions empower you to dodge harmful chemicals, enrich your life, and reclaim your natural radiance. In addition, whether you want to boost your energy or supplement your diet Young Living's nutrition solutions empower you to meet your wellness goals the natural way. If you’re interested in how these powerful oils can enhance your wellness, you can find out more at youngliving.com or contact me by calling or texting 416-318-3802 or emailing essenceoflightjourney@gmail.com
Pieces of Light | www.etsy.com/ca/shop/emannyb
Pieces of Light is the culmination of over thirty years of research, collecting, experimenting and experience with gemstones and minerals of all kinds. Manny and Francis the creators, have come to appreciate the subtle but very discernible energy shifts that occur when gemstones are kept close to the physical body and is that property which is the most important facet of the items they make. The stones don’t need for you to believe in them to be what they are, and do what they do. Since the energy component of their work is foremost to them, each piece has been cleared of all prior intents and energies and also charged with pure light frequencies and is ready to support your healing and ascendance. You can connect with Manny and Francis at www.etsy.com/ca/shop/emannyb
Pema Chodron | https://shambhala.org/teachers/pema-chodron/
Pema Chodron—is an American Buddhist nun in the lineage of the Tibetan Buddhist master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, founder of the Shambhala Buddhist tradition. She has written numerous books but the one that made the most profound impact on my own spiritual path was When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice For Difficult Times .“The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.”
Up Life Connect | www.Uplifeconnect.com
Imagine a place where poets and artists meet with scientists and ecologists, where indigenous elders gather with visionary youth. Where conscious evolutionaries meet with doctors, farmers, and teachers and each one comes to the circle to learn, share and discover what limitless possibilities emerge when we unify our gifts and passions for the greater good of all. Where our greatest challenges are recognized as our greatest gift – the opportunity to come together and create a world we love.
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh | https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. He is the man Martin Luther King called “An Apostle of peace and nonviolence.” His key teaching is that, through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in the present moment—the only way to truly develop peace, both in one’s self and in the world.
Golden Harmony Qigong-Beaches | http://goldenharmonykungfu.com/
Love, Peace, and Harmony. What a powerfully motivating mantra for this moving meditation that leads to harmonious living! Qi means "breath" or "air"and is considered life-force energy. This vital life-force penetrates and permeates everything in the universe, and the energy we radiate is the energy we attract. Qigong is a 5000+year old Chinese
self-healing system using gentle flowing movements to tap into the acupuncture meridians to allow for an optimal flow of energy to relax, heal, calm, focus and enhance your own beautiful vitality. Accomplished martial artist Sifu Rupert Harvey seamlessly creates Qigong healing sessions by combining diverse Kung Fu systems with decades of holistic health practices.
Lee Harris | www.leeharrisenergy.com
Lee is an intuitive guide, cosmic musician, sound healer and gifted channeler of the Z’s who offer grounded practical teachings to empower soul-full lives. Lee also creates healing music tuned to the frequency of 528 Hz to expand and maintain our love vibration and remind our bodies that we are conscious choice existing from either a place of love (butterfly) or fear (caterpillar). Lee’s husband Steven Washington also lead powerful and healing Qigong sessions. You can follow Steven on YouTube.
Abraham Hicks | www.abraham-hicks.com
Abraham Hicks is a self-described group consciousness from the non-physical dimension whose message is brought forth by the delightful channeler Esther Hicks. There is great enjoyment (in-joy!) in listening to “Abe’s” approach on countless human “problems” and “solutions” which really is about being out of alignment with our own divine Source energy. We are powerful creators who welcome the gift of contrast (our “button pushers”). These real-world examples are simply opportunities for releasing blockages and enhancing expansion – allowing us to get back into alignment with Source. The solution is: Just have fun! Get back into the vortex! And Abe gives us practical tips for doing just that in a delightful and relatable way.
Whirling Wisdom Art Studio | www.biljanaart.com
Whirling Wisdom Art Studio unfolds the soul medicine journeys of Biljana Banchotova. Artwork that inspire vision, find collective light and planetary healing! ... may you explore the ART of weaving into the wells of colour, of wisdom. May you flow and seek the Creator within... while we tell the story, of our very own ascension, light, love, consciousness....'This doorway supports the two aspects and journeys of ancient tradition and new age spirituality. Place, where the two are building a Rainbow Bridge to channel inspirational grounds of ascension. Let's honour, harvest and communicate consciousness that carry and promote multi-cultural knowledge with cosmic awareness... into the whirling-path of unity.
Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza | www.drrosalesmeza.com
Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza, is a Xicana/Mexicana Indigenous women in diaspora. She is a Seer, initiated medicine woman in the Q’ero Inca lineage, & is a Counseling Psychology Ph.D. She is also an unschooling mama to a 5 year old child who holds supernatural gifts. Dra. Rocio walks and works in between the earthly and spiritual realms as a claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. She comes from a long line of healers on both her maternal and paternal lineages and was born with psychic, channeling, and mediumship gifts. Dra. Rocio is able to see beyond this ordinary reality to bring forth the highest timelines and visions into our earthly reality. She is grateful to her teachers, Pampamesayoq Don Alejandro Apaza & Mesa Carrier and Medicine Woman Marilu Shinn for helping her remember.